

What We Do

We have been providing an independent audit of management systems. Our offering of services has grown and we can be a single source of supply for all your needs. Today, companies face demands with regard to profitability, quality, technology, and sustainable development. Efficient management systems that are tailored to you can therefore help you to overcome the challenges of this fast-paced global market. To turn competitive pressures into competitive advantages, you need to maintain and improve your operating processes systematically. Management systems allow you to focus, organize, and systematize processes, thus managing and improving your business.

Third-party certification/ registration can assist in measuring your management system against national and international. With Company Certification International (C.C.I) Services as your partner, you can move beyond compliance. Our system will be customized to the unique needs of your company. It can then enhance your organization's ability to meet its strategic objectives. Our audits focus on areas and issues that are most critical to your operations. The certification that we deliver will enhance your systems and processes to create value for sustainable growth.